Medicinal / Medical Mushrooms
Your site for medicinal mushrooms, chinese medicine and herbal medicine, such as Ganoderma Lucidum, Shiitake, Cordyceps and more.
4 Medicinal Mushrooms That Fight Cancer - The Truth About ...
Medicinal mushrooms are among the most powerful functional foods for preventing and treating cancer. Get the scoop on 4 cancer-fighting varieties.
The Many Health Benefits of Eating Mushrooms
Nine mushroom studies highlight the health benefits of eating mushrooms, which includes improving nutrition and immune system function.
Six cancer-fighting medicinal mushrooms | Guide to Reishi ...
Nalini, C. (2012, January 12). Six cancer-fighting medicinal mushrooms. Huffpost Healthy Living. Retrieved from
Medicinal fungi - Wikipedia
Medicinal fungi are those fungi which produce medically significant metabolites or can be induced to produce such metabolites using biotechnology.